Restoring Fertility Naturally
Welcome to the Restoring Fertility Naturally podcast, your source for all things infertility-related through the lens of restorative reproductive medicine! Join host, Malori Mayor, BSN, RN and infertility warrior, for weekly episodes packed with information about fertility medicine that helps restore and cooperate with the natural fertility cycle, instead of suppressing or circumventing it. Malori will be interviewing both professionals in their field and fellow infertility warriors who have walked this difficult path. Thank you for listening and subscribing!
12 episodes
Episode 12: Guest Interview with Dr. Michael Jones, NaProTECHNOLOGY OBGYN
We're back with another guest interview! I'm so pleased to be bringing you this episode with Dr. Michael Jones, a NaPro-certified OBGYN. He actually was the doctor I worked with during our infertility journey and he performed the laparosc...
Episode 12

Episode 11: What Happens Before and After Endometriosis Surgery
Hey friends! Today I'm telling my detailed story about what happens before and after endometriosis surgery, specifically with a restorative reproductive medicine specialist. I forgot to even say the word in the episode, but it is sp...
Episode 11

Episode 10: Conquering PMS - Guest Interview with Holly Baril, CFCP
Hey fellow infertility warriors! Today's episode is an interview with my friend and Certified FertilityCare Practitioner, Holly Baril. She taught me how to chart using Creighton and has been a key player on our fertility team. ...
Episode 10

Episode 9: Daisy Carrasquillo's Infertility, Miscarriage, and Miracle Story
We have another wonderful interview this week for Episode 9! My guest is Daisy Carrasquillo and she is sharing her journey with NaProTECHNOLOGY and infertility, miscarriage, and the birth stories of her miracle boys. I’m sure that i...
Episode 9

Episode 8: Guest Interview with Dr. Naomi Whittaker - Why Choose NaProTECHNOLOGY?
I'm so pleased to bring you this guest interview episode with Dr. Naomi Whittaker! This episode is all about why one should choose NaProTECHNOLOGY instead of artificial reproductive methods such as IVF. There's a myriad of reasons, ...
Episode 8

Episode 7: Our Personal Infertility Story, Part 3
Today's episode will be the third (and for now, final) installment of our personal infertility story. If you missed the first two parts, make sure to listen to Episodes #3 and #5 first! Please note the "trigger warning" that I do ta...
Episode 7

Episode 6: I'm Back! A Re-Introduction to the Podcast
I started this podcast over a year ago, but due to several reasons I dropped the ball. But today I am excited to let you all know that I am BACK! Consider this episode as a re-introduction to the podcast: where we’ve been and where we are...
Episode 6

Episode 5: Our Personal Infertility Story, Part 2
Today we're going to get personal again and dive back into our personal infertility story. If you missed Part 1, make sure to go back to Episode #3 so you get the full back story! I hope that those of you going through infertility c...
Episode 5

Episode 4: Guest Interview - Annie Ortiz, FCPI - Bio-Identical Progesterone & NaProTECHNOLOGY
I'm pleased to present the first guest interview of the Restoring Fertility Naturally podcast! Annie Ortiz, a FertilityCare Practitioner Intern, joins me to talk about bio-identical progesterone.Your host,Malori Mayor, BSN, RN...
Episode 4

Episode 3: Our Personal Infertility Story, Part 1
Today we're getting personal and diving in the first part of the infertility journey of myself and my husband, Mark. We've walked this path for over a year and a half, and I finally decided to use the time of waiting to reach out and ...
Episode 3

Episode 2: What is Restorative Reproductive Medicine?
Welcome back, lovely listeners! Today we dive into what restorative reproductive medicine is and why to choose it over assisted reproductive technology. We'll also touch on complementary modalities to RRM such as fertility aware...
Episode 2

Episode 1: Welcome to the Restoring Fertility Naturally Podcast!
I'm so glad you're here to listen to the inaugural episode of the Restoring Fertility Naturally podcast! If you're dealing with fertility challenges, then you're in the right place. I know what it's like to feel alone in this jo...
Episode 1