Restoring Fertility Naturally
Welcome to the Restoring Fertility Naturally podcast, your source for all things infertility-related through the lens of restorative reproductive medicine! Join host, Malori Mayor, BSN, RN and infertility warrior, for weekly episodes packed with information about fertility medicine that helps restore and cooperate with the natural fertility cycle, instead of suppressing or circumventing it. Malori will be interviewing both professionals in their field and fellow infertility warriors who have walked this difficult path. Thank you for listening and subscribing!
Restoring Fertility Naturally
Episode 5: Our Personal Infertility Story, Part 2
Malori Mayor, BSN, RN
Episode 5
Today we're going to get personal again and dive back into our personal infertility story. If you missed Part 1, make sure to go back to Episode #3 so you get the full back story! I hope that those of you going through infertility can relate to many of the emotions and struggles that I talk about in this episode. You are not alone and your story matters!
Your host,
Malori Mayor, BSN, RN and infertility warrior
- Warriors in the Wait, Part 2 of our story on the blog: https://www.warriorlifewellness.com/napro-infertility-part-2/
- Creighton Model of fertility charting
- Search the #naprotechnology hashtag on Instagram!
- Holly Baril, CFCP (my Creighton instructor): https://www.intouchfertility.com/ & Instagram
- NaPro is individualized, personalized medicine
- PMS for 3 or more days before your period is not normal!
- Talked a little bit about NaPro and Tricare military insurance coverage (NaPro diagnostics and treatment is covered by most insurances)
Email: restoringfertilitynaturally@gmail.com
Calendly link for scheduling podcast guests: https://calendly.com/restoringfertilitynaturally
*Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare provider.