Restoring Fertility Naturally
Restoring Fertility Naturally
Episode 2: What is Restorative Reproductive Medicine?
Welcome back, lovely listeners! Today we dive into what restorative reproductive medicine is and why to choose it over assisted reproductive technology. We'll also touch on complementary modalities to RRM such as fertility awareness methods and functional medicine. Get ready for an information-packed episode!
Your host,
Malori Mayor, BSN, RN and infertility warrior
- Make sure to listen to Episode #1 if you haven't already!
- What is restorative reproductive medicine (RRM)?
- Official definition from the International Institute of Reproductive Medicine: "...any scientific approach to reproductive medicine that seeks to cooperate with or restore the normal physiology and anatomy of the human reproductive system.”
- NaProTECHNOLOGY is the most standardized form of RRM. It was built on the Creighton Model FertilityCare System of fertility charting.
- Other methods of fertility charting that work with RRM: Sympto-Thermal (Couple-to-Couple League), Marquette (sympto-hormonal), Billings Ovulation Method.
- Complements to RRM include: nutritional intervention and functional medicine.
- Definition of functional medicine from the Institute for Functional Medicine: "...a systems biology-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease..."
- Why choose RRM over assisted reproductive technology (ART) like IVF?
- It matters how you get to the end-state of having a baby!
- RRM respects the life and dignity of everyone involved. ART does not.
- This podcast is focused solely on RRM and other forms of medicine that complement it. This was created because of a hole in the marketplace for this kind of information.
- RRM doesn't believe in "unexplained infertility." It's just a matter of finding the reason.
International Institute of Reproductive Medicine: https://restorative-reproductive-medicine.com
Institute for Functional Medicine: https://www.ifm.org
NaProTECHNOLOGY: https://www.naprotechnology.com/, https://fertilitycare.org/what-is-naprotechnology
Daisy's story for "Warriors in the Wait": Part 1 and Part 2
*Disclaimer: The information presented in this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not to be used as a substitute for medical advice from your healthcare provider.